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A new Year with new Opportunities

Every new year brings new opportunities. At FCTrelief we have pupils who have completed «Grade 12» and those who are new to our programme. We are very happy with the «Grade 12» school leavers and excited to support the newcomers. Gordon Merk reports.

FCTrelief Pupils with new Shoes

A New Year Begins


Unlike last year, when the year started with a Cholera outbreak and long delays, this year was smooth. Although there was a lot of work to be done, our staff worked hard to get everything ready for the new year: there were shoes to order, uniforms to be made and new pupils to be interviewed. FCTrelief is getting more and more applications, as our programme is known to bring success and help children at school and in life. We have now accepted 18 new pupils in several different grades from the different schools in Linda. There are thousands of school children in Linda Compound. We are trying to make a difference for a few.

Francis (left) and Moses with Topmarks

«Grade 12» Graduates and Higher Education


Last year we had thirteen «Grade 12» graduates. Most did very well. Francis hit the top marks in all subjects! This is outstanding success and makes him one of the smartest pupils in Zambia. We are very proud of him. His brother is already studying at «University of Zambia» and we hope to see Francis get the opportunity he deserves. The new year certainly has new opportunities for him. Moses, too, did exceptionally well with the highest marks in three subjects. We hope to support him too for his higher education. These are brilliant young people with great potential who are worthy of an opportunity for an education that can transform their lives and give them the chance to build a better future. This is worth sponsoring!

Violet (left) and Mable in the inner court of «Cavendish University»

Our third best pupil was Monica, also with the highest marks in three subjects. As were Violet and Mable the previous year, Monica is our top student among the girls. Such successful female pupils set a great example for the younger ones to aspire to more in life. Violet and Mable have enrolled at the renown «Cavendish University» in January and are very excited! They are so grateful for this opportunity and will give their best «to reach the stars». Gordon was in Zambia for the start of the new year and visited their families before driving the girls to the student accommodation. They visited the university premises and it all looked very good.

Other school leavers too have started higher education, notably Dalitsani who was also among the top achievers in «Grade 12» the previous year. Edward, Kelvin and Christopher are in the application process at their respective universities. They, too, are hoping to complete an education that can give them a better future.


Ruth in her Skills Training as a Tailor

Practical Skills Training

Not only do we encourage university education for those who qualify due to top marks, skills training is equally important. The excellent Vocational Institute in «Chikupi», about an hour’s drive from Linda, has yet again been pleased to accept three of our «Grade 12» graduates. Ruth (tailoring) and Akim and James (brick laying) are busy learning their respective skills. With a certificate, they can start earning their own money after the eleven-months training.


Akim (left) and James in their Skills Training as Bricklayers

Last year’s «Chikupi» graduates in agriculture, Janet, Eunice and Steven, are now working on our farm. We first gave them the opportunity to study agriculture, and now the opportunity to work. At FCTrelief we provide opportunities for people to help themselves and build a better future. It is rewarding to see how many take the chance and work hard for it.

Janet, Steven and Eunice (right) with Kelvin (links) on the Farm

Making a Difference


FCTrelief is making a difference in the lives of brilliant young people who carry great potential. You are very welcome to join our mission to support these fine young people. Become a sponsor and make a difference! Thank you.


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